
I often work together with a few other persons; on the one hand it enables me to offer a good and suitable program for the client, on the other hand (and equally important) it brings inspiration, support, and allows for feedback. People I trust and value, who express their authentic self in their professionalism. In short, people who energize the group they work with, and with whom I like to be and work with. 


Carla Maria Verwer from   School of Narrative Leadership

Sandra Ahlers from          Sandra Ahlers Consultancy

Marcel Meijer from   Marmer ~ Bezield Werken

Sjaak Kolvenbach from   Sjaak Kolvenbach Organisatieadvies, Training en Coaching


As an 'Associate' I am also connected to the  Sinclair Group :

The Sinclair Group is an international consultancy firm and known for helping industrial organisations more effective and efficient. In case of Organizational Excellence projects, they ask for my support. I appreciate and value the work in an environment which emphasizes rational and cognitive elements, where I am asked to highlight and help develop human behaviour and interactions as important pillar for success.

Realisatie: Numaga-Design, Nijmegen.